Suche in
Juvalta, Sibylle: Speranza, Camilla: Robin, Dominik: El Maohub, Yassmeen: Krasselt, Julia: u.a.: Young people's media use and adherence to preventive measures in the "infodemic": Is it marked by political ideology? [2023]
Ciacchini, Rebecca: Orru, Graziella: Cucurnia, Elisa: Sabbatini, Silvia: Scafuto, Francesca: u.a.: Social media in adolescents: A retrospective correlational study on addiction. [2023]
Betthaeuser, Bastian A.: Bach-Mortensen, Anders M.: Engzell, Per: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence on learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. [2023]
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Choi, Eun Jung: King, Gabrielle K. C.: Duerden, Emma G.: Screen time in children and youth during the pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. [2023]
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